Please get in touch with our health navigators today to sign up for a healthcare plan that suits your needs. Our team is here to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have. Don't hesitate to connect with us for personalized assistance!
We work with you and the village of support to deliver the best maternal and baby outcomes. Through our Childbirth education classes, Doula and Lactation services, and community-based support groups. Our place is where our people are!
The lack of culturally aligned prenatal services, health education, and resource access can contribute to health disparities and increased pregnancy risk factors. The PI Health Board works with you in addressing these gaps and providing comprehensive support through our Baby & You Program. Taking care of Baby & You is crucial in improving Pacific Islander families' overall health and well-being in the King County area.
Sign up for Childbirth Education Classes
Join our childbirth education classes that teaches you all you need to know to navigate this chapter in your life.
We can help with translations or connect you with them to help with interpreter services.
Meet Our Team

COFA Islander Programs /Health Insurance Navigators

Donate to the PI Health Board
Your donation helps us be a catalyst for positive change in our communities by allowing us to hire and train community members while teaching our communities about health education and advocacy skills.
If you are looking for a doula who knows and understands our community, please contact us.
Malia D'Alio, Co-President
Lavenia Natuna, Co-President
Inez Olive, Secretary
Sionna Stallings-Alailima
Reya Mokiao
Leimamo Wase